Friday, August 28, 2015

Mounds Cake

Cake, it's what's for dinner!  

     Or breakfast.  I like it for lunch too.  A few weeks ago, I made a coconut poke cake.  You know, bake a cake, poke holes in it with a fork and pour some type of liquidy, yummy goodness all over it.  The first one was great, I used a white cake mix and added the coconut mixture and life was good.  But there was no chocolate.  So I figured that was a good enough excuse for the next week to have more cake.  Because, cake is wonderful.  
     When I was in my late teens and lived in TN, there was this little restaurant that was in what used to be a gas station that was now a tiny little hole in the wall place in BFE.  To look at it, it didn't look like much.  But the food was amazing!  They didn't have a menu, it was whatever they cooked that was what you got.  I loved it!  They served this wonderful cake on some days, it was chocolate, gooey, rich, coconut and mmmmmm.  Mounds cake.  So after not having one in over a decade or so, it was time.  
     You know how so many amazing blogs have the pretty pictures and the fancy plates and it all looks so perfect and awesome?  I love that.  I so want to do that stuff.  But I am about as jeans and t shirt as you get.  So is my cake.  This cake is anyway.  I didn't think about taking a picture of it until late one night as I was texting my bestie and telling her that she needed some cake too.  One day I might take fancy, cute pictures of pretty cakes.  This is not the day.  


So easy to make too!

Mounds Cake

box of Devil's Food cake mix
cup of milk
4 eggs
stick of butter
mix and bake in a greased pan
(a 13"x 9" pan at 350 for about 27 minutes most days works for us)

Let it cool for a bit and then poke it full of holes with a fork.

The coconut mixture is super easy:

A can  of sweetened condensed milk
A can of  Creme of Coconut
(not coconut milk, very different stuff)
mix these together and pour all over the cake

It will look like it is too much and that the cake is gonna drown.
This is good.  It will soak in and be awesome.

Top with Cool Whip and Shredded coconut.
Keep it in the fridge.  It gets better as it sits.  Day 2 is amazeballs!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

We Have A Mailbox!!

After a few weeks of fighting with Firefox, I finally thought maybe I would try Chrome to post on here.  Firefox stopped letting me add pictures to the posts.  That makes for a very unhappy me.


We got a mailbox for the new house, which gave me a chance to play with some vinyl.  I made up the numbers and then wanted to add something to the flag.  It is silver and was looking way too plain for our family.  I was looking through my scrap pieces of vinyl to use to make a skull and crossbones, when I instead found a leftover bat signal.  It was a perfect fit!

Thanks for looking!